Sunday, December 27, 2009

Moving in Two days!

I think I've mentioned that I am moving again,right?

I am actually going to move in two days! I totally do not feel like packing at all!!!!Its crazy!!!! (actually i dont feel like doing anything at all, you can tell from my update speed of this blog)

Its good that some of my stuffs still in a box since last time I moved so they are ready to go.

see the wine boxes? heehee

I had a pretty nice X'mas night this year, T and some other friends of mine came to visit at the X'mas night then we went to this Korean bar to drunk until we felt very sick (LOL). Then we kept playing sponge bob monopoly the rest of the night. We planed to go to have the boxing day shopping the next day but I was just too sick to stay at the mail. oh, by the way, the queue for just getting in Hollisters is massive(at least 40 ppl), I wonder how long the queue was for Abercrombie but I didn't want to check that out.

the next post is coming out soon, which is about some movies that i like, so stay tuned!

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