Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vancouver geeky boy (2)

The next day, A and I walked around UBC (gosh, UBC IS beautiful) and eventually Kate joined us since she had been hanging around there already. However, it soon became the worst day of my trip because it revealed what Kate really is, a paranoid psycho. Actually A did kinda warn me about that but apparently A was being too nice she didn't really went all the way to the details. Since there were so many little annoying incidents and conversations that happened that day, I am not going to go over them one-by-one here. All I can say is Kate is a girl who is actually not that confident with her physical appearance and she clearly suffers from her social life. Thus it makes her so paranoid about the idea of "hanging out with a friend" and "how she thinks people would think about her". She also can be EXTREMELY pushy when she wants/needs to "hang out with" someone, yea, that sounds like a psycho isn't it. Anyway, one might ask how the whole "Kate is a social paranoid" thing relates to Vancouver geeky boy(vgb). The answer is that it means she will never introduce me to vgb no matter how many times I ask her to. I noticed that when I asked her if she could ask vgb to have supper with us or going to the beach with us the next day,I got ambiguous blahs as an answer so eventually i realized no matter how many times I ask her she will still give me the same old answer. Therefore, I decided to give up on knowing this vgb through Kate and planned on getting to know him through one of the most important inventions of the world, Facebook.

That is the story of me meeting a guy who I didn't really meet in Van.

Honestly although I do find this vgb quite attractive, I've decided I should just to be friends with him because I really don't need another long distance relationship after W. Another reason I want to know this guy is because Kate literally described him as a perfect (gay) human being therefore I really want to know if such a perfect man could really exist since I am disappointed in gay man because of W, whom I thought was so perfect but it turned out he is not.

I sent my first message to him about 2 weeks ago which is a week after I went back home and we have been chatting since then.

One funny thing is since I am pretty sure this vgb has never seen the psycho side of Kate so I had to tell him not to tell Kate that we are chatting now because the whole spying on a friend's friends thing is rather embarrassing for me (which is partly true, but, the truth is i am sure if Kate knew that I started talking to him once i added her on facebook she will think i am using her and stealing a friend of her from her, which is a normal social paranoid would do) :P

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