Monday, July 06, 2009

finally met some gay friends (2)

"It isn't kind to cultivate a friendship just so one will have an audience."
-Lawana Blackwell

"But come on, everyone does that!" Princsm screams,


I think i am just a snob when it comes to meeting new friends. There are few things I think its quite important want to choose my friend. First, the look, oh yes, call me a s.h.a.l.l.o.w. but come on, please dont tell me you dont care how your friends look. Honestly i think it is actually really normal to do cuz people do want to project certain image to others and every move of you defines who you are includes choosing your friends, just like the reason why you chose to wear that red low-cut dress you went to a club last time. What i am saying is, I do choose my friend according their look, it doesn't just mean they have to have "good looking", but "the look" i want to hang out with. Second, maturity and mentality, I hate when people say things without really thinking about it and especially when they make pointless assumptions, it really annoys me. I like critical thinking and i like critical discussion too, for instance, if you want to talk about the movie you like, please dont just tell me "oh, its a really good movie! its very exciting/romantic/touching......", what i really want to hear is "why is it exciting/romantic/touching?" How about the acting? is the script cleverly written? what about the cinematography? is the visual good? What about the character/plot development........etc. Well, one could argue some people think social intercourse should be a relaxing thing and dont really want any "in depth discussion". Thats true too, but what i am saying is, I may not need to have "in depth discussion" every time but at least I want my friend to be able to have critical thinking and trust me, there are so many people can't even explain why they think the movie is so extraordinary. last thing, most important one, sincere and honest, i guess i dont have to explain why for this one.

I start wonder if i should change the headline of this post, cuz this post doesn't look like i am talking how i met those new Friend but about how snobbish i am. anyway, here is the story.

few days ago there was this big gay event held in the city and since the area the event took place was quite near where i live therefore i decided to go to take a look. I really didn't expect to meet anyone but eventually i met one of the guy I had met one or twice, T. T is a quite good looking guy(but he is the cutesy type, too much like a bottom, which is clearly not my type) anyway, I had ran into him few times on the street before and he was being quite nice to me. I dont know why but I was actually quite surprised that he was bein that nice to me. Cuz when a gay cute boy meet an other gay cute boy, it usually forms either love or competition, but friendship. Moreover, I am very shy and i don't speak much when I meet new people (even people i think i would like to han out with), which makes people think i am really arrogant (although sometimes its true), therefore . Anyway, I ran into him again that day and he asked me to join him to met his other friends. I almost said no because i really hate socialize with a bunch of new people but i am really desperate to have some friends, therefore I agreed to went with him. The crowd was big It feels rather awkward as I expected when we met up with his friends and I had almost zero interaction with his friends and I ended up just stuck with T all the time. For what i saw, there are only 1 or 2 people out of the crowd seem like the type i want to be friend with. Anyway, technically i didn't really met anyway new friends that day, but i really hope it would lead some real firendship later on...

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