Monday, July 13, 2009

Some drama (2)

so, S told me he had known me for a long time. He told me he had visited my friendster page(can you imagine how long ago it was? friendster?) long time ago and thought my photos is very "interesting" (really? just interesting? LOL). he even told me he had messaged me but i never reply. After he told me he had messaged me, i did vaguely remember seeing his face at my friendstar message inbox (but come on, you? reply you? if he had a better photo on friendster i might have replied him). However, to be honest, seeing him in real person does make me think he actually could be a nice boyfriend. Anyway, isn't it very creepy there is always some people to claim to know you just because they had cyber stalked you?? yes, this is not the first time "some people" told other people they know me but i have no freaking idea who they are. Anyway, we carried on talking about that after dinner when we chatting in S's house because i called him a stalker. One thing I felt quite weird about him is he is trying to be too close/friendly to me which made me wonder if he likes me. In his place, he kept showing E (T was sleeping in the couch) my photos on friendstar to explain how "interesting" i was ( i really dont know why he would do that). Then he added me on facebook and asked me to log in to add him (was it necessary???). However, i didn't add him at that time tho, not in front of other people. anyway, suddenly a shocking news (just for me) came out from E's month, which is T and S are boyfriends.

They didn't kiss, didn't have any sweet talk, didn't hold hands, didn't even sit together when we ate!!!

anyway, i felt so stupid to called S a stalker. I really didn't know what T would think. honestly i really want to keep T as my friend and i don't want to him to misunderstand me therefore I know I need to keep distance from S.

When S drove me home that night I told him I really didn't know he and T are boyfriends if E didn't mention it. Then he said he thought i knew. I told him It was not even possiable for anyone to tell they are boyfriends unless those people are being told. Then he suddenly looked quite upset and go, "Do you think we are a good match?"

WAH! (chinese shocking expression) why would you ask me that??? What can i answer you ???? Would anyone know better then yourself ???? it was such a ridiculous question to ask.

Since that was such a dangerious question to answer I didn't think about if they really match or not at all. All i can think about is a nice way to say yes (do you really think no could be an opinion? huh? seriously?) to comfort him.

Drama Drama, can you keep away from me? what i want is just friends........

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