Thursday, January 07, 2010

Love in the club?

There is 365 days in a year so if you divide it into weeks it would have around 51.4 weeks a year. If we go clubbing in all the Fridays and Saturdays, then, including new year and X'mas party, there are approximately 106 clubbing nights a year. People go to clubbing for different reasons, some go there just for fun, some for the music and dance, some for the drama, some for ONS, and, some of them actually look for love. but

Is there love in the club?

A lot of you guys must be laughing at me when you see I even raise this question. There is no love in the club seem to be such an universal truth that every body should have known and I should have known it earlier, way earlier. The main reason I used to believed in it is because of W. I met W in a club in Hong Kong when I was 22 and before that, I didn't believe in love in the club as well. Therefore I was being so skeptical about him, but it turned out he is one of the most decent homosexual human being I have ever met in my life (except the part of how he deals with relationship). Meeting him changed my view of meeting people in the club and that also made me felt like I can see something that other people do not see. You know, it actually feels pretty good to think you have an insight others don't have. But today, after going through so many disappointments, although I don't want to, I have to say that I lost my faith in founding love club anymore. Of course there are exceptions, see how I met W, but the probability of that seems to share the same rate of getting winning a lottery ticket. So, instead of sitting and waiting to win the lottery, why don't we do something constructive? I am not shame of being used to believe such thing as well, this is what youth about? having faith in something silly, even ridiculous sometimes. Therefore, I would suggest you should keep believing in whatever you are believing, time, not me or any books, will tell you what is right in your life. life just would be more fun that way.

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